На e-mail адрес моего сайта пришло неожиданное письмо на английском, я не настолько хорошо знаю английский чтобы все прекрасно понять, может просто не осведомлен в каких-то технических вопросах. поэтому предлагаю всем ознакомиться (и наверное прежде всего LOE, как самому осведомленному). Совместно проще решить есть ли что интересное в том письме или же то разновидность спама.
ниже привожу текст того письма:
Hello Dmitry,
I got your E-mail address from the list of Linux User Groups around the
world. I am contacting you to seek your advice. What is the best way for
my company to make your members aware of a new technology now available
the Linux community?
Coraid has developed a new product called EtherDrive specifically designed
to meet the networked disk storage needs of Linux systems. We have
numerous Linux User Group meetings in the USA and have found that the
members are very interested in this technology, since there no suitable
networked storage solution for Linux users. Arranging a personal visit to
locations outside the USA is not feasible for us at this time but perhaps
there is another way that you have found effective for your members to
become aware of new technologies.
The EtherDrive Storage Blades are a way to connect disk drives directly on
an Ethernet network. A GPL device driver for Linux completes the picture
making the disks appear local. We've defined a new protocol, AoE or
ATA-over-Ethernet, to do this.
Shared (networked) storage is a common need for any system. Current
manufacturers offer only choices that are expensive and complicated.
EtherDrive storage blades are like Storage Area Network but much, much
expensive. Now the Linux community can do a lot of new things that were
expensive before.
Please contact me if you think this technology would be of interest for
LUG members. We would be happy to forward technical presentation
or other documents that you feel are appropriate. Our website contains
http://www.coraid.com/indexc.html Thank you for your help.